Finished! We finished the van build. It’s been four months of work and we are so excited to be done. We started this project knowing that it was a big project and we weren’t always sure that our skills could meet the task. We watched a lot of van build videos. For every step, we debated the best way forward. Insulate with spray foam or foam board or sheep’s wool? Buy a battery, inverter, and charge controller, or buy the power station? We measured and measure and measured again. We cut things and made mistakes. Some of our ideas might not last as long as I would like. For example, our cheap shoe organizer on the back of my seat is exactly that. A cheap shoe organizer. I don’t know how long it will last, but it works for now.
There were even things we meant to do that we didn’t get around to doing. For example, we planned on creating a backsplash behind the sink/counter. But in the end, we ran out of time and energy. We might add a backsplash later, but tomorrow is our deadline and most of our things are in storage now. And overall, we are enormously proud of it. We’ve talked a little about naming it. I am not a big fan of naming intimate objects, but some of the ideas that Will and the kids have thrown out include VanGo, LaVan, and Ivan the Great. Let us know what you think we should name the van!

The Interior

The Kitchen

Back door storage

Let us know what you think!