Where has all of the time gone?
First, I should say that I meant to publish this post 2 other times before. I kept starting it and never finishing it. I just haven’t gotten around to it between the training, the packing, the planning, work, and starting to freak out just a bit about leaving.
I’ll start with the fact we started our training out really strong. We did the first 7 weeks of training, building up each week to longer and longer walks. Our short walks were up to 4-4 1/2 miles and our longest walk was about 11 miles. Each week, we were pretty focused on walking farther and getting our training in. The walking takes up a lot of time. Especially as we got to 11 miles. The whole day was reserved for walking, and then resting.

But then we kind of fizzled out. Winter, the news, and life kind of took away some motivation. We went on a trip to California and although we did get our 90 min walk done, we did not do the long walk or the strength training day. Instead, we visited our kids and my father-in-law, which was actually the family time we needed. After that trip, I went to Puerto Rico for a hike + heal retreat. Again, amazing time and I came back refreshed, although also in need of training catch-up.

Staying focused is one of the things I struggle with the most and I think it will be a challenge on the Camino. I am always pretty motivated with a new project or idea, and then my motivation can dissipate over time. Will is better at it. He doesn’t like big changes and it takes him a while to get around to it. But once he does, he is good at sticking with it.
Also, as we entered March, we realized we have more things to get done before we leave. Like our taxes. And packing up. And cleaning the rental place. Luckily, despite being busy, we have gotten our training focus back with longer days and better weather. We have been doing 5-6 hours of walking on the weekend and 2 hours during the week. Will already started carrying his backpack and this week I am adding mine.

2 weeks until the Camino!