Where are my hiking people at?
If you’re an avid hiker, explaining how satisfying it is to finish a multi-day hike is probably unnecessary. But if you’ve never gone on a multi-day hiking or walking trip, maybe you wonder if it’s worth it. Why would anyone want to just walk along a trail for 3, 5, or even 14 days? I know I always end up wondering the same thing in the middle of a trip. I did it in the middle of the Camino. And in the middle of our hike around the Isle of Man, I kept thinking, why did I sign us up for this crazy adventure? Why would I want to stay in hotels with terrible coffee, tiny bathrooms, and greasy English breakfasts just to walk around an island?

I mean, is it worth it?
The answer is yes, it is. First of all, the views were STUNNING. Gorgeous coastlines, the Irish Sea, and the baby sheep. If you saw our youtube video, you know the baby sheep were adorable. The island was beautiful even if the coffee was bad. But I mentioned that last time, the views were great. You don’t have to walk 100 miles around the island to have great views.

So why walk? There is something great about your mind and your body working through all of those miles. It’s very satisfying to know your legs can carry you all that way. Yes, our feet were sore. Yes, the uphills are hard. Yes, we felt like quitting. But we still walked. In the end, I felt stronger for it. And it’s also a little bit of that type 2 fun. I know type 2 fun isn’t for everyone, but it’s definitely something I enjoy. I enjoy a realistic challenge that pushes me but isn’t going to require someone to be able to rescue me. So I guess what I am saying, is hiking adventures are worth the hard work and we will probably continue to plan more.

If you want to watch the end of our Isle of Man hike, you can watch it here.